Vim cheatsheet


  • Normal mode - for navigating files
  • Insert mode - for adding text
  • Visual mode - for highlighting where you are at
  • Visual block mode - ?


:w - writes :q - quits :e - edits :e! - reload file from disk :123 - goes to line 123 :r file.txt - read file into current file :abb a b - set acronym; when you write a, vim automatically makes it b :! ls - executes ls and other bash commands in your terminal :com! py ! python % - maps :py to running a python command in a terminal straight from vim


:bd - delete current buffer :bn - next buffer :bp - previous buffer :b file.txt - swtich buffer to a particular one :ls - check currently open buffers


:tabedit - opens a new file in a tab :tabfind - recuvrsively find a file :0tabnew - opens a new tab in position 0 gt - goes to next tab gT - goes to prev tab [i]gt - goes to tab i :tabm - moves curent tab to final position :tabm +2 - move current tab 2 places forward :tabm 0 - moves to current tab to tab place 0 :tabs - displays currently open tabs :tabc - closes current tab :tabo - closes all tabs except the current one

Splits and windows

:split - splits the current window into two Ctrl+w + w - cycle windows Ctrl-w + c - close window :diffsplit file2 - opens file2 in diff mode

h,j,k,l - navigates the file like arrowkeys i - enter insert mode o - enter insert mode on line below O - enter intert mode on line above w - goes to next word e - goes to end of current word W - goes to the next word including all characters except space, tab and EOL E - goes to the end of the current word including all characters except space, tab and EOL () - goes to previous or next sentance {} - goes to previous or next paragraph gg - goes to beginning of file G - goes to end of file Ctrl+f - pagedown Ctrl+b - pageup $ - goes to end of line 0 - goes to begging of line

    • searches for word under cursor d - delete; dw deletes a word dd - delete line u - undo change U - undo whole line of changes y - copy/yank yy - copy line p - paste Shift+p - paste before cursor x - cut r - replace character under cursor R - replace indefinately c - change (i.e. delete something and go into insert mode); cw - delete word and insert mode “a - select copy/paste buffer a; can use any letter on the keyboard to access all 52 buffers ma - defines mark ‘a’; can be anything ‘a - return to mark ‘a’; can be anything ‘. - return to last change; . is a special mark Ctrl+o - go back to last cursor jump Ctrl+i - go to the next cursor jump gf - go to file under cursor % - go to matching bracket


/someword - searches for someword (and supports regex) ?someword - searches for someward backwards n - next word N - prev word Ctrl+O - go back where you came from :s/you/they - replaces you with they :s/you/they/g - replaces you with they for whole line :10,20s/you/they/g - replaces you with they for all lines between 10 and 20 :%s/old/new/g - replaces old with new for the whole file :%s/old/new/gc - replaces old with new for the whole file with a prompt for each replace


vim -d file1 file2 - opens vim in diff mode to compare 2 files